libgit2 in 2024: the past
October 24, 2024
I was recently asked to speak at Git Merge 2024 about libgit2, and I thought it would be useful to talk about where libgit2 came from, where it is, and where it's going. If you weren't there, you can watch the video, but I also wanted to spend some time to expand on it a bit.
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My first CVE (CVE 2022-41032)
September 8, 2023
Before I started my new job at Vercel in 2022, I took a week off after leaving my job at GitHub. I was intending to spend some time working on one of my too-numerous side projects -- in particular, a .NET Core app that uses libgit2. Instead, I found my first CVE (CVE 2022-41032).
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Pushing a (New) Empty Branch
May 12, 2020
Yesterday, I invoked a fun little command to create a new, empty dist branch in a GitHub repository. But I didn't explain it. So today I wanted to unpack exactly what's going on here.
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Packaging an Action
May 8, 2020
After having created several actions to use in GitHub Actions workflows, I've settled on a pattern that I really like for packaging them, and in my most recent action, I codified this in a CI process to automate it for me. The reason that this is important is because GitHub Actions uses a git repository as the distribution mechanism for an action. Since actions are actually just Node.js applications, that means that the repository needs to contain the application, and its dependencies. It needs to actually contain the node\_modules directory. But... you're not supposed to check that in, are you? No! You're not. At least... not in your development branch, which is why I recommend a two branch approach.
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libgit2 v1.0 Released
April 1, 2020
After many years of planning, writing code, and fixing bugs, libgit2 v1.0 has been released. 🎉🎉🎉 libgit2 is a linkable library for working with git repositories in any application, and you probably interact with the library, even if you don't know it. That's because libgit2 powers your applications and your hosting provider, whether you use GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, or nearly anybody else. The Git community -- really, every software developer -- depends on libgit2. And we've finally released libgit2 v1.0.
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libgit2 v0.99 Released
February 19, 2020
Today we've released libgit2 v0.99. 🎉🎉🎉 libgit2 is a linkable library for working with git repositories in any application. It's used by IDEs, GUI clients for Git, hosting providers, scientific computing tools, and even scuba diving log software. Whether you keep your code on GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, or nearly anywhere else, it's libgit2 that does the work every time you click the "merge pull request" button. So if you write software, you've probably used libgit2, even if you don't know it. And -- finally -- we're getting close to releasing version 1.0.
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GitHub Actions Day 31: Adding an Action to the Marketplace
December 31, 2019
Yesterday we built an action that let you send a tweet from a GitHub Actions workflow. Once we built it, you can use it by referencing it in my repository, as ethomson/send-tweet-action\@v1. But... how do people find it? If we publish this action to the GitHub Marketplace, then people who want to build a workflow have a focused place to look for actions that they can use to extend GitHub. The marketplace will even show up in the workflow editor, so that people can find actions easily.
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GitHub Actions Day 30: Integrating Other APIs in an Action
December 30, 2019
Yesterday we built an action that posted to a GitHub issue. It showed how easy it is to work with GitHub APIs from within an action. But actions are generally written in JavaScript, so they can easily integrate with APIs from other services. This lets you create actions that can create an issue in Jira, send a text message, or upload security information about your project. One of the things that I want to automate is sending a tweet -- this is something I do whenever I release a new version of something, to announce its availability.
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GitHub Actions Day 29: Creating an Action
December 29, 2019
So far this month we've looked at a lot of workflows for GitHub Actions. Almost all of them will run commands as part of the workflow. Some of them will also make use of actions to help set up the environment or expand the workflow. An action is a piece of code -- either a runnably docker container or a JavaScript application -- that you can re-use within several workflows. And it's straightforward to create your own action that you can use in your workflows or share with others. GitHub provides a toolkit to help you get starting building a workflow in JavaScript or TypeScript. I'm going to take the TypeScript sample as a start and create an action that listens for comments on an issue.
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